Thursday, January 21

Renaissance Test

Renaissance Test: Friday, January 22, 2010

1. What historical event (the fall of a civilization) took place in 395 AD to usher in the middle ages?

Fall of Rome

2. What was society and culture generally like in the middle ages?

Nobody knows how to read and write. Most people are either very very poor or very rich.

3. Renaissance means rebirth.

4. What was being brought back during this time?

Greek and Roman Ideals


5. Contraposto

Counter-pose uneven distribution of weight

6. Chiaroscuro

Light and Dark, shadows

7. The painter of the Mona Lisa was Leonardo Da Vinci

8. The man who sculpted the Pieta and the Sistine Chapel was Michelangelo

9. What is different about Renaissance painting compared to painting during the Dark Ages?

No contraposto, no chiaroscuro

10. What is meant by the concept of "Humanism?"

People are perfect

Monday, January 18

NY Times Article

What is this story about?

A person who sees someone having a baby but there is no oil left in the car. 8 people came and helped them push the car to the hospital.

What is important to them about the story they picked?

I think the 8 men are really nice, it is important to me because the men had such sympathy on the husband and wife, that they will help them push the car.

What does this story have to do with what is happening in Haiti now?

The people in Haiti are poor and have no money for food or water, just like in this story. In the story, they didn’t have money to buy oil, just like in Haiti.

Why should we care about what is happening in Haiti?

We are all humans, we have to care for each other, or it wouldn’t be humanity. We also have to get them on our side, make some more allies.

What does this have to do with global citizenship?

Helping others of the world is being a good global citizenship.